Profile picture of Cam

Cam Garland

Who is Cam?

Cam Garland, co-founder and director of Prydes Support alongside Ellie Garland and Tiffany Watson, possesses a strong foundation in the IT realm, sharpened by his tenure as an IT Systems Analyst at Ray White Corporate. This expertise not only imparts him with an intricate understanding of computer networks and information security but also ensures Prydes Support operates with advanced, seamless IT systems.

Away from the intricacies of IT and business, Cam is an ardent gamer and a home automation enthusiast. Weekends often find him taking scenic drives with his wife, exploring new landscapes. A passionate audiobook aficionado, Cam’s top pick is “Expeditionary Force” by Craig Alanson, as evidenced by his favourite and delightfully quirky quote: "Don't you know that if you recite the IKEA catalogue in the wrong order you can accidentally summon a demon..."

With a blend of technical prowess and diverse personal interests, Cam contributes a unique and invaluable perspective to the Prydes Support community.